Top 25 Interesting Facts United Kingdom, History & Culture

The United Kingdom is one of the most unusual countries with its own special traditions. We have prepared the top 25 facts about the United Kingdom, that will surprise you.

united kingdom city
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Annual Kissing Day :

* The tradition of celebrating Kissing Day originated in the UK in the 19th century. The UK approved it as an international holiday, which is celebrated annually on the 6th of July.

Golf is Favorite Sport :

* The homeland of golf in Britain. It was first mentioned there in 1457. The first puzzle was also invented by the English cartographer D. Spilsbury in 1760.

All Swans Owned by Queen :

* All swans living on the River Thames belong to Queen Elizabeth II. The royal family established ownership of all the swans there as early as the 12fth century when they were served at the royal table.

British Empire Crown :

* In the crown of the British Empire there are 2868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, and 5 rubies. The famous sapphire of St. Edward and the world-famous Cullinan-II diamond flaunts on the pediment.

Most Popular Drink in UK :

* Undoubtedly, tea is the most popular drink in Britain. At exactly 5 PM all of Britain sit down to drink tea, this tradition has been relevant since the 18th century.

Amazing facts about the United Kingdom :

* The United Kingdom of Great is made up of four “historical countries”: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Each country has its own system of administrative and geographical division.

* For the first time, the British began to use an umbrella for protection from rain, before that the umbrella was used as protection from the sun.

* The raincoat was also invented in Britain by C. Mackintosh. The short-term for the British is the raincoat Mac.

* Shoelaces were invented by the British in 1790. The first metro also appeared in London (1863).

* The Big Ben Tower got its name not because of the clock, but because of the bell, which is located inside.

* The Society for the Protection of Animals was created in Britain in 1824 and has royal status. The first public zoo was also opened in Britain in 1829.

* The British Queen has the right to travel without a passport, bypassing customs and baggage inspection.

* In the 18th century in Britain, men and women were forbidden to sunbathe on the same beach.

* The World Wide Web was invented by the British scientist Tim Berners-Lee. And the first programmer in the world was an English woman – Ada Lovelace.

* In the UK, schoolchildren study for 13 years. Children go to 1st grade at the age of 4-5 years. Also, in all schools in Britain, the uniform is the same color – dark blue.

united kingdom village
Image by christian hardi from Pixabay

* It is considered a bad form to visit someone in Britain without an invitation. The door simply can be slammed in front of an uninvited guest.

* The Irish, Scots, and Welsh are very proud of their countries and roots and do not like being called British. It is a big mistake to call them English.

* A melody from an advertisement/movie / TV series that gets stuck in the head for a long time is called “earworm” in the UK.

* Great Britain has its own coat of arms with the motto “God and my right”. The motto is written not in English, but in French, and this is despite the fact that earlier England was constantly at war with France.

* In the 18th century, there was in England a position of the royal uncorker of ocean bottles with letters. Those people, who opened bottles on their own were threatened with the death penalty.

* The shortest war in history took place in 1008 between Great Britain and the small country of Zanzibar. This country declared ф war on England and within 36 minutes was defeated by the British fleet.

* Queen Elizabeth II of England is formally the ruler of countries such as England, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and some other states of the British Commonwealth.

* In most countries, it is believed that a black cat crossing a road will definitely bring bad luck. But in England this omen works the other way around: a black cat crossing the road must bring good luck.

* An average annual rainfall in London is 584 mm, which is less than in Rome or Sydney. So, the opinion about eternal rains in London is a myth.

* Scotland has the highest percentage of redheads in the world. About 13% of the population has red hair, and about 40% carry the recessive gene.

north ireland village
Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

Conclusion :

It’s not possible to review all the amazing facts about the UK in one article, but it’s enough to awaken your interest in visiting this country, isn’t it?

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