What are the largest rivers in the world? Top 5 River Facts

The existence of life on our planet is impossible to imagine without rivers. They are also the largest source of freshwater for territories that have an area of tens of thousands of square kilometers. Of course, there is a dispute between individual groups of scientists and even entire countries about the longest and largest rivers in the world. Whole expeditions are sent in search of new sources to add several tens of kilometers to the length of the river.

5. Ob – Largest River in Russia :

The final one in our ranking of the largest rivers in the world is the Ob River, whose length exceeds 5410 km. The total area of the river basin is 3,000,000 square kilometers. This reservoir is located in Western Siberia and flows into the Kara Sea.

A distinctive feature of this river is that it is fed by snowy waters. And this is not surprising at all, since the river is under the ice for more than 8 months of the year.

Previously, there were a huge number of different types of fish in the waters of the river, so it was used mainly for fishing. Today, however, the situation has changed, and many fish species have disappeared altogether.

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russia ob river  largest river

4. Mississippi – Second Largest River in North America :

The river system has a length of 6.275 kilometers. In North America, it is the largest. Moreover, the rivers flow exclusively through the territory of the country. Although, I must say that a small part of the pool is still located in Canada. The water originates in the Rocky Mountains and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

The waters of the Mississippi have been heavily polluted in recent decades. And all because chemicals are used in agriculture. This turned into a real environmental disaster for the Gulf of Mexico, where the river flows into.

An interesting fact is that the Mississippi flows through 10 states of America, and the borders of some of them are determined precisely by its flow. 

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Mississippi largest river in north america

3. Yangtze – Largest River in Asia :

The name of the river is translated from Chinese as-a long river. It fully corresponds to its name. So it takes third place in our rating. The length of the Yangtze is 6.300 kilometers. The river begins its sources in the Tibetan Highlands at an altitude of 5,000 meters. About a third of China’s population lives in the Yangtze Basin.

On this part of the way, the river is especially beautiful, its path passes through deep gorges, famous for their difficult terrain.

Due to the rapid flow, the world’s largest hydroelectric power station called “Three Gorges” was built on this segment of the route.

Then the river makes its way through the southern part of the Great Chinese Plain. Its waters replenish four of the five largest lakes in China. Dividing into branches, at the mouth of the water stream forms a delta with an area of about 80 thousand square kilometers. km. The Yangtze flows into the Pacific Ocean.

Many bridges have been built across the Yangtze, but it is especially necessary to note the Sutun Bridge, which occupies the first place in the world in length among cable-stayed structures. Its length is 8 km.

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Yangtze largest river in asia

2. The Nile – Largest River in Africa

The length of the Nile is 6.852 kilometers. Its sources are located on the East African plateau at an altitude of 2000 meters. In that area, it rains for almost a whole year, and then they flow into the Mediterranean Sea.

The tributaries Bahr-el-Ghazal and Achva, as well as the Blue Nile, Sobat, and Atbara flow into the Nile in the upper reaches.

The Nile flows for the last 3000 kilometers through deserts, and it has no tributaries. It is worth noting that the river is a real source of life for Egypt. 97 percent of the country’s population lives along with it.

Only thanks to this river, which has been considered sacred since ancient times, people can survive in the most difficult conditions of arid climate and a shortage of fertile soils.

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egypt nile river largest river in africa

1. Amazon – Largest River in the World

This river has long been considered the second largest river on the planet. But recently it was recognized as the longest. The beginning of the Ukayali River was taken as a reference point.

Today, official data say that the Amazon flows for more than 7,000 kilometers. In addition, the river has the largest delta in the world. Its area is about 100 thousand square kilometers.

In the center of the delta, you can see the largest river island in the world – Marajo, with an area of 40 thousand square kilometers.

The Amazon crosses the whole of South America: from the Peruvian upper reaches to the Brazilian delta. The river basin is tangled with thousands of tributaries flowing into the largest artery on earth.

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amazon river largest river in the world

Conclusion :

Amazon River is considered as Largest River in the World, Still, the Nile River is the longest river by distance covered.

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