All about the libraries of the world & 25 Fun Facts

What is a repository of knowledge, if not a library? There are a lot of them in the world because people began to transfer arrays of knowledge to electronic repositories relatively recently, and the first libraries appeared on Earth thousands of years ago. And, probably, they will never lose their significance, because nothing can compare with the special atmosphere of the book store.

prague library
Image by izoca from Pixabay

25 Facts about the libraries of the world

The oldest library ever found by archaeologists was created by the Sumerians about 4,500 years ago. It contained a lot of clay tablets with records since books had not yet been invented.

* In medieval libraries, books were chained with massive chains because of their value, so that they could not be taken with them.

* There are about 130 million different books stored in modern libraries. This refers to 130 million works (editions), not copies. There are many orders of magnitude more instances.

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* The Persian vizier Abdul Kassim Ismail, who lived about 1000 years ago, became famous for always taking his library with him wherever he went. This is a very interesting fact, considering that his library included about 117,000 books, and it was carried by a caravan of 400 camels loaded with books sorted in alphabetical order.

* The most famous is the Library of Alexandria, which was located in ancient Egypt. It taught such great minds as Aristotle and Euclid. Unfortunately, it was destroyed. It contained about 200,000 scrolls and 700,000 records.

* The largest library in the world is the American Library of Congress, which stores about 155 million books. About 1.7 million people visit it annually.

* The Russian State libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg are ranked 5th and 6th in the world in terms of the number of books, respectively.

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* In the aforementioned ancient Egyptian Alexandria, all ships entering its port paid tax in books. The book was sent to the library, where it was copied and given to the owner a copy, and the original was taken as a tax.

* The library of Ivan the Terrible has not yet been found. Some are still looking for it.

* In about 150 libraries around the world, instead of books, a narrator comes and reads a book aloud to the visitor.

* In Norway, when publishing any book, the government pays for the circulation of 1000 copies, which are then sent to the county’s libraries.

* The only library in the world located on the territory of two countries at once — Haskell. It stands right on the border of the United States and Canada.

* At Yale University, in Beineck, there is a library without a single window. They are not needed there, because the walls of the building are made of translucent marble.

The oldest operating library in the world is located in Egypt, in the monastery of St. Catherine. It was built about 1500 years ago.

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* Founded almost 700 years ago, the National Library of France was first located in the Louvre, the residence of the French kings, but since then it has moved many times without stopping working.

* There are free street libraries in New York, the smallest in the world, designed for just one visitor. They look like yellow glasses, and they store about 40 books. They were installed so that the citizens could take a break from the frenzied rhythm of life and distract themselves for a short time.

The highest library in the world is located in Shanghai, in the Marriott Hotel, at an altitude of about 230 meters.

* The system of classification of books in the library was invented in ancient China.

* The largest digital library in the world is the World Digital Library, which is a project of the Library of Congress.

The International Space Station has its library on board. It stores about a hundred books.

* The Kansas Public Library looks like a giant bookshelf from the outside.

* In the Italian city of Perugia, there is a library named after Sandro Penna, whose building looks like a flying saucer.

* At the Bishan Public Library in Singapore, the reading rooms are carefully soundproofed so that visitors do not interfere with each other.

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Conclusion : 

Hope you have enjoyed the hidden facts about Libraries of the World. Some more interesting articles for you.

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