Canada is an amazing country with very rich nature, incredible landscapes, a high standard of living, and many advantages. Read our top 25 interesting facts to know it better.

Interesting facts about Canada Country :
1. In terms of area, Canada is in second place after Russia in the overall ranking. It covers the territory of 99,84,670 square kilometers.
2. Canada holds the record for the length of the coastline – 265 000 kilometers. It is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans.
3. Canada shares borders with the United States of America, also has maritime borders with Denmark and France. The border between Canada and the United States is the longest common border in the world.
4. Population of Canada is about 37,59 million people. More than 50% of its inhabitants have higher education.
5. The United States attacked Canada twice, in 1775 and 1812. Now approximately three-quarters of Canada’s population lives within 160 kilometers of the US border.
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6. The minimum winter temperature in Canada was recorded in the Yukon in 1947 and amounted to -62 degrees Celsius.
7. Canada contains 9% of the world’s water supply. There are many more lakes in Canada than in any other country in the world. There are almost 2 million of them here.
8. Churchill, the world capital of polar, is popular with tourists. And the locals are forced to cope with the invasion of bears.
9. People in some Canadian cities don’t lock their cars so that the pedestrian can hide from the wild beast. There is also a temporary prison for, especially dangerous bears.
10. The name of the country “Canada” is derived from the American Indian word “kanata”, which means «village» or «settlement».
11. Canada only received its flag in 1965. Before that, since the founding of the colony of Nova Scotia, they used the British flag.
12. The only desert in Canada is in British Columbia and is called the Nk’mip Desert. There grow some spices of cacti.
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13. The only ice hotel in North America is located in Canada near Quebec and is called Hotel de Glace. Every year it is being rebuilt in December and melts when spring comes.
14. The official symbol of Canada is the North American beaver. And from plants –the well-known maple, whose leaf flaunts on the flag of Canada.
15. The uninhabited island of Hans has an interesting history – Canada and Denmark are still fighting for it. Since 1984, they have been observing the custom a few times a year: they leave their flag with a bottle of alcohol for the representatives of the other side.
16. Canada has a strategic stockpile of maple syrup for emergencies and supply disruptions. Canada takes about 75% of the global production of maple syrup.
17. The city of Alert in Nunavut is considered the northernmost settlement in the world. It is located 837 kilometers from the North Pole.
18. The capital of Canada, Ottawa, was founded in the 1820s and bore the name in honor of Lieutenant Colonel John Bye – Bytown. In 1855 the city was renamed Ottawa.
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19. Canada is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary system. The current monarch, who heads Canada is Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain.
20. Canada is home to about 55.000 species of insects, as well as 11.000 species of spiders and ticks.
21. Official languages in Canada are English and French. Conflicts between French-speaking and English-speaking people have arisen several times in Canada.
22. The prototype of Winnie-the-Pooh was the Canadian black bear Winnipeg, who was brought to the London Zoo in 1915.
23. There is a local weather phenomenon in Canada – the Shinook wind. It provokes a temperature rise of 20 degrees in a matter of minutes.
24. Three Canadian islands are in the top 10 largest in the world – Baffin’s Land, Victoria, and Ellesmere.
25. Canadians have their water monster – Ogopogo. According to legend, it lives in Lake Okanagan in British Columbia.
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Conclusion :
I hope, you enjoyed reading facts about Canada. Probably you will like other topics. Check here.
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