Here are the Top 5 most beautiful and largest lakes in the world. Some of these lakes can hold the water than a river which is unimaginable to think. Let us dive into that immediately.
Here are the top 5 biggest lakes in the world.
1. Lake Baikal – Biggest Lakes in the World
It is located in Eastern Siberia. Its area is 31772 square kilometers, its length is 636 kilometers. This is the largest lake in the world by depth, this indicator reaches 1642 meters. The reservoir has the shape of a crescent.
In addition, Baikal is considered the largest lake in the world in terms of freshwater reserves. This water reservoir contains 20% of the world’s liquid freshwater reserves (23,615. 39 cubic kilometers). Baikal is also considered one of the cleanest lakes on our planet, the water in it is almost distilled. There is more water in Lake Baikal than in the entire Baltic Sea.
The fauna of the reservoir is considered one of the most unique in the world, many species are endemic (⅔ of the total number). It is not surprising that this lake is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites. There are 27 islands in this reservoir.
Baikal is the oldest lake in the world (approximately 25-35 million years old). It has a tectonic origin, but unlike other similar reservoirs, it does not have signs of tectonic aging.
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2. Lake Tanganyika – Biggest Lake in Africa
It is located in Central Africa between four countries-Tanzania, Zambia, the Congo, and Burundi. The area of the reservoir is 32,900 square kilometers, it stretches for 676 kilometers in length.
Tanganyika lies in the deepest tectonic depression in Africa. The lake ranks second in-depth among freshwater lakes in the world, volume, and antiquity. The origin of the reservoir is tectonic. It is similar to Lake Baikal in shape: both lakes are elongated in length.
Life in Tanganyika exists only up to a depth of 200 meters. Then too much hydrogen sulfide, organic silt, and sedimentary minerals appear in the composition of the water. At the same time, the water layers in the lake do not mix, so each level retains its chemical composition and temperature.
Swimming in this lake is not recommended, because Nile crocodiles hide in some of its places.
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3. Lake Michigan – Biggest Lake in North America
It is located in North America. It extends across the territories of Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Wisconsin from east to west. The area of Lake Michigan is 58,016 square kilometers. It is connected to Lake Huron by the Mackinac Strait, as well as to the Mississippi River system.
Lake Michigan has an elongated shape. Its greatest depth reaches 281 meters. There are 4871 cubic kilometers of water here. This reservoir is the largest of the lakes located entirely on the territory of the United States, it is one of the five Great Lakes (the third by area and the second by volume). The city of Chicago is located on its shore.
There are many beaches around Lake Michigan, this region is even called the” third coast ” of America (after the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans).
Unfortunately, Lake Michigan is notorious for numerous shipwrecks. Thousands of sunken ships are buried here. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.
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4. Lake Huron – Second Largest Lake in North America
It is located on the territories of North America and Canada and is also one of the five Great Lakes. Its area is 59,600 square kilometers, its volume is 3,538 cubic kilometers. Lake Huron stretches for 332 kilometers in length and 245 kilometers in width. The maximum depth of the reservoir reaches 229 meters. Thus, Lake Huron is also the 2nd largest by surface area and the third-largest by volume of the five Great Lakes.
It is directly connected to Lake Michigan via the Mackinac Strait. Shipping is well developed on Lake Huron, the largest ports are Bay City, Saginaw, Alpina, and Sarnia. At the same time, its coastline is the longest of all the Great Lakes.
Lake Huron is the largest island in the world, located in a freshwater reservoir-Manitoulin. The origin of the lake is glacial-tectonic.
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5. Lake Victoria – Second Largest Lake in Africa
Other names are Nyanza, Ukerewe. It is located in East Africa on the territories of Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. It is the largest tropical lake in the world. Its area is 68 thousand square kilometers, its dimensions are 320×275 kilometers. This reservoir was named by its discoverer in honor of the English Queen Victoria. Interestingly, the surface of the lake is located at an altitude of 1134 meters above the level of the world ocean, although its greatest depth does not exceed 80 meters.
This is the second-largest freshwater reservoir in the world, there are 2,760 cubic kilometers of water here. After the construction of the Owen Falls Dam in 1954, Lake Victoria was turned into a reservoir. There are many islands in this reservoir, and a national park is founded on one of them (Rubondo). Fishing is developed here and there are many ports.
Read More : Facts to know about DJA River AfricaInteresting fact: Lake Victoria is the most dangerous lake in the world. Every year, it experiences the most deaths due to black spots, changeable weather, and crocodile attacks.
This lake is a key reservoir of the White Nile River, and many streams and rivers flow into it, the largest in the Kagera River. But most of the volume of the reservoir Victoria gets thanks to the rains (80%). There are more than 200 species of fish here. The origin of the lake is tectonic.

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