Virgin Forests are one of the most attractive places for Tourists. We are here to explore the 25 attractive facts about virgin forests of the Komi and their attractions

Interesting facts about Virgin forests of the Komi :
- The Komi Republic is located in the extreme northeast of the European part of the Russian Federation.
- Virgin forests of the Komi are listed in UNESCO Heritage List and it was recognized in 1995.
- It is located within the Pechora and Mezen-Vychegod lowlands, the Middle and Southern Timan, the western slopes of the Ural Mountains (Northern, Circumpolar, and Polar Urals).
- Primitive people lived on the territory of the republic back in the Neolithic period. As the excavations showed, they actively hunted mammoths.
- The virgin forests of Komi attract tourists with amazing natural territories, historical places, and mysterious stories.
- The name of the Komi people comes from the name of the Kama River. Scientists combine 11 different ethnic groups under the concept of “Komi”.
- Most of the Komi territory is located in the taiga zone. The soils are mainly of the podzolic type. Forests cover about 70% of the territory. The forests of Komi are dominated by spruce, pine, cedar, fir, larch are found. To the north of the Arctic circle, the taiga is replaced by forest tundra with spruce-birch woodlands, swamps, and tundra.
- There are about 4400 different species of animals in the Komi Republic. Animals have been preserved in Komi: brown bear, elk, forest marten, fox, arctic fox, squirrel, hare. Among the birds — black grouse, capercaillie, duck, grouse, white partridge (in the north), and others.
- About a hundred objects here have the status of natural monuments.
- The stone balls on the bank of the Izhma River are located a few dozen meters from the village of Maloe Galovo, the locals call them “galfedsa otras”. It happened that the residents used them for medicinal purposes – they lay on warm stones to relieve lower back pain. There is an opinion that stones are able to “charge” people with energy. On the scientific side, these are siderite nodules consisting of iron carbonate, which fell out of the rock strata when the river washed away the shore.
- Only the southern and central regions of the republic are in relatively favorable natural and climatic conditions for the development of agriculture.
- On the territory of the Komi Republic, there are all kinds of rivers — flat, mountain, lake, swamp, karst. They belong to the basins of the White, Barents, Kara, and Caspian Seas.
- One of the seven wonders of Russia – the famous weathering pillars on the Manpupuner plateau are considered the hallmark of Komi.
- The national dress of Komi is in many ways similar to the national Russian one. Clothing and shoes made of deer fur have played and continue to play a great role.
- Tatar Vichko or Tatar Mosque – picturesque rocks in the upper reaches of the Ilych River, near the Tatar River. They are forms of weathering, reminiscent of the minarets of Muslim mosques. The rock outcrops last for 45 meters and begin with a double-headed rock, one of the peaks of which, up to 30 meters high, resembles the minaret of a Muslim mosque. The pointed peaks of the rocks expand downwards like a tent.
- The attraction of the Komi Republic is also the largest waterfall in the European part of Russia – Buredan, where waterfalls from a height of 10 meters, and 60-meter rocks rise very close.
- The largest swamp in Europe is located in the Ust-Tsilemsky district of the republic. Its depth is 1.6 meters, and the area is almost 200 thousand hectares. This is an extensive forest-swamp system with many rivers and lakes rich in fish. Its uniqueness was recognized almost 40 years ago, until now it has not been fully studied.
- The mountain of Stone Idols is covered with many legends about its origin, composed by local peoples. Despite the fact that geologists point to the natural origin of high stone layers, the object does not become less interesting.
- There are more than 78,000 lakes here, but 98% of them have an area of less than 0.5 square kilometers.
- Sometimes there are earthquakes on the territory of the Komi Republic. Fortunately, they are rarely destructive.
- The largest swamp in Europe is located in the Ust-Tsilemsky district of the republic. Its depth is 1.6 meters, and the area is almost 200 thousand hectares. This is an extensive forest-swamp system with many rivers and lakes rich in fish. Its uniqueness was recognized almost 40 years ago, until now it has not been fully studied.
- The mountain of Stone Idols is covered with many legends about its origin, composed by local peoples. Despite the fact that geologists point to the natural origin of high stone layers, the object does not become less interesting.

Conclusion :
Hope you have enjoyed the beauty, facts, attractions and information about the Virgin forests of the Komi Attraction.
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