Ancient civilizations history & All Fun Facts

The history of the world began unimaginably long ago, and ancient civilizations History paved the way for modern ones. We know quite a lot about the ancient world, at least about the last millennia, and archaeological finds allow us to recreate a vivid picture. That is why sometimes the achievements achieved in the ancient world are striking, some of which were eventually lost, and then re-invented centuries or even millennia later.

20 Interesting Facts about ancient civilizations :

* The most ancient civilization of those that we know for sure is the Sumerian. It existed in the Middle East, in Mesopotamia, 6-7 thousand years ago.

* Primitive people appeared in America, according to various estimates, about 25 thousand years ago. The Inca civilization was the most powerful in South America, and the empire covered significant areas. It was later crushed by the Spanish conquistadors

* In the UK, there are still stone-paved roads built during the ancient Roman rule on these islands. The Romans built it for centuries.

ankor-wat ancient civilizations
Indian Civilizations

* In ancient Greece, the most terrible punishment was exile. The ancient Greeks lived in polis cities, and it was impossible to survive alone outside of them.

* The Mexican capital of Mexico City is located on the site where the city of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the ancient Aztec civilization, was once located. And even before them, there was a Toltec civilization there.

* Once the Egyptian pyramids were built using rather primitive tools. However, the stone blocks were so carefully fitted to each other that it was impossible to even insert a knife blade between them.

* There were two ancient civilizations on Easter Island, famous for their stone idols. One of them was revered by the other as a people close to the gods and spirits, and she built stone idols for the other in exchange for food and safety.

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* Most of the ancient civilizations of South and Central America worshipped the Sun as the supreme deity.

* The ancient civilization of China possessed great knowledge. Thousands of years ago, progressive tax and insurance systems, fireworks rockets, and paper already existed in those parts (interesting facts about China).

* Once upon a time, ancient civilizations also existed on the territory of the modern Gobi desert, but it was so long ago, and their remains are buried so deep under the hot sands that we know almost nothing about them.

* There are about 200 ancient cities at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

* About 2500 years ago, the Rama civilization flourished on the territory of modern India. The residents of that time even had a sewer system in their homes, which is now not everywhere in the Indian provinces.

* There is still a debate about whether the ancient civilization of Atlantis existed in reality, or it is fiction. If it existed, then all the evidence is at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.

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machu-picchu ancient civilizations
Machu Picchu Civilizations

* The pyramids were built not only by the ancient Egyptians but also by representatives of other civilizations. They have been found in Mexico, Peru, China, and even on the seabed off the coast of Japan. Moreover, the Chinese pyramids are the largest of the known ones, but almost nothing is known about them because foreigners are not allowed to them.

* Many ancient civilizations had very bloodthirsty deities, but the Aztecs and Mayans especially distinguished themselves here, for whom no holiday was complete without mass human sacrifices.

• The modern flag of Mexico depicts an Aztec prophecy, according to which the god Huitzilopochtli ordered the Aztecs to settle where they would see an eagle sitting on a cactus and devouring a snake.

* On the territory of modern Laos, many giant stone jars left by an unknown ancient civilization have been discovered. Their purpose is unclear, and their age is estimated at 2 thousand years.

* For its time, the Maya civilization was very highly developed. However, the ancient Maya did not know what a wheel was. At the same time, they had developed astronomy and surgery.

• Unlike most other ancient civilizations, in ancient Egypt, women were completely equal to men.

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egypt african civiliazations
Egypt Ancient Civilizations

Conclusion :

 There was once a civilization on the territory of Ethiopia that disappeared thousands of years ago. Only stone columns with human faces carved on them have survived to our times.

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