China gave the world many inventions, that we all use to this day: mirrors, porcelain, silk, gunpowder, paper, umbrella, the compass, and many other useful things. We collected the top 25 facts and History about China Country to help you get closer to this ancient country of rich history and culture.

“No” to Cottage Cheese :
* The Chinese don’t eat cheese and cottage cheese, don’t kefir, and don’t snack with yogurts. According to one of the versions, the inhabitants of China do not eat dairy products, since for many centuries only the richest of them could afford a cow.
Largest Seaport on Earth :
* The Chinese city of Shanghai is the largest seaport on Earth. With an area of 3.620 square kilometers, it 3 times bigger than the whole of Hong Kong.
45 Billion Chopsticks :
* The Chinese use on average about 45 billion chopsticks every year. About 20 million twenty-year-old bamboo trees are being cut down to provide products in this volume.
Chinese eat Dogs and Cats :
* The Chinese eat the meat of cats and dogs, as well as they, cook soups from shark fin, and use wolfberry as a seasoning for broths.
Turtle and Frog Meat :
* In Chinese supermarkets you can buy live turtles or frogs, which will be killed and gutted in front of the buyer.
All Social Media’s is Banned :
* In China access to western social networks and websites is officially blocked. There you won’t be able to use Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Pinterest.
Surprising Products for Foreigners :
* Many products sold in Chinese stores can surprise foreigners: sweet smoked sausage, mint-flavored seeds, meat candies, colored bread, smoked chicken paws, and so on.

10 Amazing facts about China Country & History:
* Although Hong Kong became part of China, its residents have several privileges – for example, they can travel to the EU countries without visas.
* There are already 30 million men in China, who can’t find a wife. Due to the massive rejection of the birth of girls in the last centuries, now there are much more men than women among the inhabitants of China.
* The Imperial Palace in Beijing, or the Forbidden City, is the largest palace complex in the world. It consists of exactly 9999 rooms.
* In the Chinese province of Shaanxi located the mausoleum of the first emperor of United China. It covers an area of over 56,25 square kilometers and contains 7.500 unique figures of soldiers and 90 military chariots.
* In antiquity in China they have played a sports game with a ball made of leather, reminiscent of football. This ball game was not only fun but also training for warriors.
* One of the common Chinese desserts is sweet turtle soup. The Chinese believe that turtle soup brings longevity.
* Contrary to the popular myth, the Great Wall of China is not visible from the Moon or even from Earth’s orbit.
* The flavor enhancer (monosodium glutamate) is being sold in Chinese grocery stores along with salt and pepper. It is being added to almost all dishes prepared by local chefs.
* Dinning in a large company of friends or relatives is a custom in China. It is supposed to eat slowly and with pleasure. If the company orders a soup, it will be served in one two-liter bowl for all.
* The Chinese consider toddlers under the age of 5 years as holy creatures, who can do absolutely anything. They don’t scold children, no matter how much they get naughty.
* The inhabitants of China speak 7 dialects of the Chinese language. The difference between them is so big, that inhabitants of the northern and southern regions will not understand each other. But the writing system is one for all.
* China became the first country in the world where internet addiction was officially recognized as a disease. There are even special clinics for treating «internet addicts» of all ages.
* China is the homeland of all pandas in the world without exception. And there are more than 500 species of bamboo growing in China.
* “Ding Zui” is a unique service of hiring a figurehead, who will be arrested instead of you. This practice is very popular among wealthy Chinese people.

Facts about China for Kids :
* Toilet paper was invented in China in the 1300s. It was available only for emperors and their families. especially soft and even scented sheets were intended personally for the Chinese emperor and his family.
* The first Peking duck was cooked in China for the emperor from the Yuan dynasty in 1330. According to traditional recipes, cooking takes about two days.
* China is the most populous state in the world. About 1.4 billion people live on its territory.
* China holds the leading position in the export of over 100 types of products, from clothing to refrigerators and cameras.
Conclusion :
It’s not possible to mention all outstanding facts and History about China Country in one article. This country is so big and diverse. Even visiting one of its parts you will be completely surprised by different life rhythms in other Chinese cities.
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