The American state of Alaska, located on the peninsula of the same name, is associated with constant frost, snow, and ice for most residents of the United States. They are partly right, but only partly — the short northern summer in these parts is amazingly beautiful, as, indeed, in the Russian North. But, if you are not indifferent to northern nature, then this corner of the planet should also be included in your list for visiting.
Let us see some top fascinating facts about Alaska

Interesting Frogs in Alaska :
* An interesting species of frogs lives in Alaska. These amphibians freeze into the ice in winter, and thaw in the spring and continue to live on.
Alaska is famous for Gold Rush:
* During the Alaskan gold rush, only one gold digger out of 200 achieved success on average, and those who sold them equipment and provided them with a rapidly growing infrastructure were the most enriched.
Alaska is full of Glaciers :
* About 5% of the territory of Alaska is covered by glaciers, of which there are about 10 thousand.
Worlds Highest Tsunami ever recorded :
* In 1958, the world’s highest tsunami was recorded in Alaska, with a height of more than 500 meters. It arose when a broken piece of the glacier fell into a narrow lake squeezed in the rocks. As a result, no one was injured, only the hunting lodge, fortunately empty, was washed away.
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Interesting facts about Alaska :
* It became the 49th member of the United States.
* Alaska has a maritime border with Russia, and it is only 4 kilometers away from us (interesting facts about Russia).
* By area, Alaska ranks first among all 50 American states, but by population – only the third from the end.
* The state capital, the city of Juneau, grew up around a gold deposit and was named after a successful gold miner.
* The area of Alaska is twice the area of Turkey.
* According to local laws, anyone can search for gold in Alaska, even a foreigner. Nothing prevents a tourist from trying to independently search for grains of precious metal in the gold-bearing sand of local rivers.
* Alaska is often shaken by earthquakes. The second strongest earthquake in history hit these regions, and it was so strong that it was recorded by seismographs located in Africa.
* The northernmost city in Alaska is Barrow, notable for the fact that the polar night and day last here for almost 3 months.
* Alaska once belonged to the Russian Empire but was sold to the United States, since it is not easy to control such remote lands, and gold has not yet been found in those parts.
* During a long polar day in northern Alaska, local farmers grow huge pumpkins, which in such conditions reach truly incredible sizes.
* The width of the Alaska peninsula reaches 170 kilometers in the widest part and 10 kilometers in the narrowest.
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* During the gold rush, prices in Alaska were monstrous. Potatoes, for example, were sold literally for their weight in gold — a kilo of potatoes for a kilo of gold ore.
* There are many volcanoes here. The highest of them, the Veniaminov volcano, rises to a height of more than 2.5 kilometers.

* The city of Juneau, the capital of Alaska, can only be reached by air or by sea. There are simply no highways between Juneau and the rest of the mainland.
* Once a record low temperature of -62 degrees was recorded here.
* About 20% of all US oil and gas reserves are located in Alaska.
* Every US state has local laws, and Alaska is no exception. One of these laws prohibits waking up a sleeping bear in order to take a picture with him since there was once a similar case.
* The population density in Alaska is lower than in any country in the world.
* A third of the territory of Alaska is located beyond the Arctic Circle.
* One of the local pizzerias delivers pizza on small planes that can land and take off even without a specially equipped runway.
* Three times more people live in the small European country of Slovenia than in the whole of Alaska.
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Conclusion :
Alaska is one of the Top Tourist Destinations in the United States, If you are a true explorer and love real nature then Alaska should be on your bucket.
Hope you enjoyed the hidden facts and information about Alaska.
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