Mexico City was founded about 500 years ago on the site of Tenochitlan, a city destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors, which served as the capital of the Aztec empire. Let us see the most interesting facts about Mexico City.

Top Interesting Facts about Mexico City :
- More than 22,000,000 people live in Mexico City, taking into account the suburbs, which makes this urban agglomeration the fourth most populous in the world.
- The Mexican capital is the largest city on Earth with a Spanish-speaking population.
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- Since Mexico City is built on a lake, it is gradually sinking. And quite quickly, some areas are sinking at a rate of more than 10 cm per year. So the Mexican capital is “sinking” as quickly as the Indonesian one
- However, unlike Jakarta, Mexico City is not threatened by flooding.
- The Mexican capital is located at an altitude of more than 2200 meters above sea level.
- In addition to the metro, there are also metrobuses – buses running along special dedicated lanes, the entrance to which is carried out through stations with turnstiles. In them, the women are assigned the first car to protect them from possible molestation by hot Mexican men.
- In Russian, the names “Mexico City “and” Mexico “are written and pronounced differently, but in other languages, both the country and the city are designated by the same word-”Mexico”.
- Sometimes it is cool here, and the frost record was -4.4 °C. In general, the air temperature here usually changes a lot during the day, it’s hot during the day, and in the evening you want to put on a jacket.
- In Mexico City, as well as about the whole of Mexico, the religious cult of Santa Muerte (“Holy Death” in Spanish) is widespread, combining elements of Catholicism and traditional Indian beliefs. The Vatican looks at him rather askance.
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- Traffic jams here are even worse than in Moscow. You can easily drive from the city center to the suburbs during rush hour for three hours.
- Public transport in Mexico City is very well developed, better than in most cities around the world. This is convenient for tourists who do not have to rent a car or spend money on a taxi.
- In the daytime, many areas are quite safe here. But at night, when the streets are empty, it is highly not recommended to go out.
- The Mexican capital has hosted the Olympic Games twice.
- The Mexico City Metro is the largest in all of South America, it consists of many lines. And, as in metrobuses, separate cars are reserved for women in it. For their own peace of mind.
- The National University of Mexico is the largest in the Western Hemisphere in terms of the number of students. No university can compare with it, even in the USA or Canada.
- The old districts of Mexico City look very nice, but they are usually unsafe
- There are a lot of bookstores here. Reading is popular among local residents, and the reading population is a good indicator of the cultural state of the country.
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- Since the whole of Mexico lies in a zone of increased seismic activity, Mexico City is also often shaken by earthquakes. Weak tremors occur almost every day.
- On Sundays in Mexico City, you can rent a bike for free and ride around the city, and it does not matter whether you are a tourist or a resident. There are quite a lot of bike rental points in the center.
- There are more than 100 museums located here. According to their number, Mexico City ranks first among all cities in the world.
- On average, the population of the Mexican capital doubles every 20-25 years.
- Traffic jams are one of the main problems of Mexico City, along with a tense criminal situation
- Due to the heavily polluted air, a smog cap constantly hangs over Mexico City.
- Mexico City has as many as 50 twin cities in different countries. Two of them are located in Russia, these are Kaliningrad and Murom.
- One of the most interesting sights of Mexico City is Chapultepec Castle. This is generally the only castle in the Western hemisphere of our planet.
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Conclusion :
More than 1,400 buildings in Mexico City are considered unique architectural monuments. This is a record figure.
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