Until the end of the 15th century, Europeans didn’t suspect the existence of Cuba Country, and Columbus took it for Japan when he sailed there for the first time. Later he named it Juana – in honor of the Spanish prince. We have collected the top 25 more impressive, but little-known facts and History about this attractive island in the Caribbean Sea, which is often called the pearl of this region.

Importance of Ballet in Cuba :
* The sport most associated with Cuba is boxing and the main pride of the country is ballet. The Cuban National Ballet is one of the strongest in the world.
Varieties of Rums :
* More than 40 varieties of rum are produced in Cuba. The Havana Club has become a visiting card of the country – there is even a museum dedicated to this brand.
House Windows without Glasses :
* Due to the hot and humid climate windows in many Cuban houses don’t have glass. For better ventilation, people use wooden or metal blinds instead.
Fidel Castro – The Inspiration to all Youngsters :
* When the future Cuban leader Fidel Castro was a child, he wrote a letter to USA President Franklin Roosevelt. The boy asked him for sending him a 10 dollar bill because he had never seen such money before.
No Advertisements allowed for Government Channels :
* The central Cuban TV channels do not broadcast advertisements. And the government cars in Cuba are required to pick up people hitchhiking on roads.
Lowest Fertility Rates :
* Cuba has one of the lowest fertility rates in the Western Hemisphere. At the same time, the number of abortions reaches the highest grades.
Importance to Health Services:
* Cuba is known all over the world for its high level of medicine. All health services are free for Cubans.
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Amazing Facts about Cuba :
* The Republic of Cuba occupies more than 1.500 islands: from the island of the same name, the largest in the Caribbean, to microscopic islets and coral reefs.
* The name of the country which means “great place” is all, that remained from its indigenous population – the Taino Indians. They were completely exterminated by Spanish colonialists.
* The sun shines in Cuba on average 330 days a year. Tropical rains are rare, but very heavy. On this occasion, locals may even skip school and not go to work.
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* Residents of Cuba are still being provided with essential food on ration cards, which allows even a family with a meager income not to suffer from hunger.
* In Havana, the capital of Cuba, there is the state-owned rock club “Maxim Rock”, which hosts teams that have received approval from the national rock agency. Part of proceeds from concerts goes to musicians, the rest – to the state budget.
* Applicants entering any university of Cuba have to pass 3 exams to prove their knowledge in the history of Cuba, Spanish language, and mathematics. There are no paid universities or private schools on the island – all education is free.
* Only in Cuba lives a bee hummingbird – the smallest bird in the world. Together with the tail and beak, it reaches 5-6 cm in length and weighs 2 g – less than an ostrich feather.
* There is no centralized hot water supply in Cuba. Until recently, for reasons of economy, Cubans were prohibited from owning toasters and electric kettles.
* Cuba is home to a unique mammal thought to be extinct until recently. The name of the predator is Cuban solenodon and it eats insects.
* Each Cuban resident is allowed to have only one SIM card for a mobile phone. Until 2008 cell phones were generally banned.
* The main Christian shrine of Cuba is the miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary of the Merciful (located in the basilica in the village of El Cobre. The Cubans consider the Virgin Mary as a patroness of their island.
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* Residents of Cuba are legally prohibited from slaughtering their cows and bulls for meat. Violators can get a long prison sentence.
* Coca-Cola is not sold in Cuba. The second state in the world where this drink is not traded in the DPRK.
* The United States rents the Guantanamo Naval Base from Cuba for $4.085 a year. The Cuban government on principle. doesn’t take this money from the American side.
* Until 1997, when Pope John Paul II visited Cuba, Christmas was not officially celebrated on the island. But there are no traditional Santa Clauses in Cuba.
* Another American president, John F. Kennedy, purchased 1.200 Cuban cigars for himself a few hours before signing the embargo on Cuba.
* After Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, all copies of the board game “Monopoly” were destroyed. The CIA was going to inject Fidel Castro with a chemical that would make his beard hair fall out.
* The USA State Department spent around $630.000 on promoting pro-American Cuban Facebook pages.
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Conclusion :
So were our facts and History about Cuba – a country of white beaches and completely victorious socialism. So many beautiful places are there in the world – don’t miss your next journey!
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