1. Retina captures the image upside down, but our brain flips it to see it in perfect position.
2. Our retinas cannot identify the red color.
3. An average human blinks its eye 17 times per minute.
4. The size of a Human eye ball stays the same from the time of birth.
5. 80% our memories are identified by what we see.
6. Eye scanner is much more secure than human finger prints. Finger prints have 40 unique characteristic. Whereas, retina has 256 unique characteristics.
7. Eyes have the fastest moving muscles in our body. It reacts in a fraction of second which other parts cannot do.
8. Eyes only captures the image. Brain processes it and decides the action based on the captured image.
9. It is impossible for humans to sneeze and blink at same time.
10. A human blinks his/her eye 42,00,000 times in a year.
11. Cornea in the human eye is the only part in human body that does not contain blood vessels.
12. Human eye doesn’t require any rest. It blinks when human is not asleep.
13. New born babies eye does not produce tears while crying. Tears producesafter 6 weeks.
14. Human can blink up-to 5 times in a second. It is not possible to blink more than that. Try it out !!.
15. Our eyes impressively has almost 107 million light sensitive cells. In which about 100 million sensitive cells are used to identify back and white colors. Other 7 million cells defines other colors.
16. It is good to have sunglasses in bright light to protect our eye from UV rays.
17. Our nose gets wet when we cry as tears flow from eyes to nose.
18. Do you know that Half of brain supports eye function?
19. Surprisingly, scientists still have no clue on the tears are getting produced when we cry.
20. Our eye lens are the quickest other than any other lenses around the world.
21. Average eye ball weighs about 28 grams.
22. We can see only 1/6 of eye ball from outside.
23. Over the years tear’s produced by us reduces
24. Our eyelids closes automatically without intimating us to protect the eye from danger.
25. Eyebrows avoids sweat and dust dripping into eyes.
26. Our eyes are made-up with brilliant functions. Though we have small hole in retina we cannot identify them. Our eyes work internally together and removes the conflict of the holes and produces the best vision.
27. A human eye is equal to 576 Megapixel camera.
28. Our eye have 2 million moving parts in it.
29. Humans can see up-to 200 degrees in range.
30. Tears make the eye healthy and improves the nerve’s strength.
31. Tear is a combination of water, fats, sugars and proteins. If eyes dry out brain involves and produces it.
32. 20/20 is a normal vision of a human. It actually means human can see the image in 20 feet without any disturbance.
Important Eye health tips :
33. Having enough Vitamin A(Beta Carotene) makes your eye healthier.Carrots contains plenty of Beta Carotene, sweet potatoes, squash, eggs, and green leafy vegetables makes your eye health.
34. It is important to have Oily fish items, Vitamin A, Vitamin C contents.Wear rays reflection glasses in bright areas.Avoid smoking.
35. Give some rest for better functioning.Do eye exercise for every 3 hours.
36. Do periodic eye checkup for every one year.
Aww facts about human eye :
37. Human eye is a wonderful creation by nature. It is the only part after brain in our human body that cannot be transplanted, because which contains millions of nerves that connects with each eye and brain, we not even think about its restructuring.
38. Our eyes are amazing creatures in the world, No one artificially make the eyes as it do. We won’t know the values of eyes until happens anything. Keep your eyes healthy always.
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