Many people love honey, although there are enough people who can’t stand it. But this product is very useful, and there is no denying it. Some people, however, can not eat it, but it already depends on the individual state of health. Most people like fragrant and fragrant honey very much.

Things to know about honey :
- In suitable conditions, honey can be stored for thousands of years and not even spoil. Archaeologists, for example, found sealed amphorae with honey in ancient Egyptian tombs, and this honey could be eaten.
- Honey is a strong natural preservative. It was in it that the body of Alexander the Great, who died in the campaign, was loaded to bring it back to Greece and not let it decompose along the way
- In ancient times, honey was often smeared on meat and fish so that they would not spoil for a long time.
- It is also part of the most common components used in the embalming of mummies in ancient Egypt.
- On average, one beehive collects from 20 to 50 kg of honey per year. But beekeepers take no more than half of it, otherwise, the bees themselves will die of hunger.
- The world’s most expensive variety of honey, Life Mel, is produced in limited quantities in Israel.
- Unscrupulous sellers often dilute honey by adding water, starch, or other ingredients to it.
- In terms of nutrition, honey surpasses most types of meat by one and a half to two times. However, nuts are still twice as nutritious.
- It contains a large amount of flower pollen, so this product is contraindicated for most people with allergies.
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- Temperature heating leads to the fact that the useful substances contained in honey disintegrate. Therefore, it makes no sense to put it in very hot tea for the sake of benefit, except for the sake of taste.
- One bee would have to fly more than 450 thousand kilometers (11 times the length of the Earth’s equator) to collect 1 kg of honey.
- Natural honey has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. It is widely used in folk medicine.
- The oldest archaeological finds indicate that our distant ancestors used it for food about 15 thousand years ago.
- In ancient Greece, people believed that eating honey helps to live a very long life.
- Now, most of the world’s honey is produced annually in China.
- Eating honey in excessive amounts is harmful to dental health.
- The human body assimilates honey by almost 100%.
- The composition of this product includes about three hundred different substances, and all of them are more or less useful.
- In 1985, Peruvian border guards detained a shipment of honey from Ecuador, having found a high content of cocaine in it. It turned out that Ecuadorian drug traffickers had specially placed beehives next to coca fields to transport the drug across the border in this way.
- African bees do not make honey, because there is no winter in their habitat, and they do not need to make food supplies.
- Honey can remove alcohol from the human body. Thanks to this property, the consequences of a hangover can be solved with a sandwich with honey. You need to eat it in the morning after a fun party and the unpleasant sensations will soon pass;
- Eating just one teaspoon of honey a day can protect your body from colds, problems of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system;
- A bee must fly around about 100,000 flowers to produce only one hundred grams of honey, which is why bees are called workers;
- The ancient Egyptians and Romans used honey as an alternative to money and used it to pay for the necessary goods. Also, this fact is mentioned in the books of the ancient Slavs, they could also pay taxes and fines with honey;
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- “Honey” is a word that came to us from Hebrew, and is translated as “magical”;
- The concept of “honeymoon” applies to newlyweds who must eat honey for a month after the wedding so that their future life will be sweet.
Conclusion :
Honey is the sweetest and healthiest natural element in the world. Consuming every day makes a difference in our human health.
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