The Islamic Republic of Pakistan is one of the most populous countries in the world. Tourists usually travel to this land of boundless sands to touch the countless monuments of ancient and long-lost civilizations. There are the top 25 interesting facts about Pakistan.

Ranikot, the world’s largest fortress, is located in Pakistan. The length of its walls reaches almost 30 kilometers.
Most Famous Civilization:The most famous civilizations (for example Indus Valley Civilization) known to archaeologists were born in the territories of modern Pakistan.

Four out of five all soccer balls on Earth are produced in Pakistan. The Quality Management System has very strict requirements for high-quality balls (7 stars).
Largest bagpipes manufacturer in the World :Pakistan is the largest manufacturer of bagpipes exporting them to Scottland. Field hockey is the national sport of Pakistan.

Changa Manga is an artificial forest in Pakistan. It is the largest and also the oldest forest made by humans.

4 Interesting facts about Pakistan :
# The Pakistani Khewra Salt Mine is one of the oldest in the world. It is also the second largest.
# Due to the Arabian Sea level rise some coastal areas in Pakistan were flooded.
# 74 % of the population lives on less than $ 2 a day. About half of Pakistani are not literate.
# There is a tradition to raise a girl («bacha-posh») as a boy in families where are no sons. A girl is being dressed in men’s clothing and cut shortly till puberty.

9 Unknown facts about Pakistan :
# Alchohol in Pakistan is strictly prohibited. The most popular drink among Pakastani is strong black tea with milk.
# Tourists who have in passport a stamp about crossing the Israeli border will not be allowed into Pakistan.
# Pakistani men love decorating their cars and buses. They use everything – from paint to carpets.
# There is the second-highest mountain in the world Chogori located in Pakistan. Its peak rises to a height of 8611 meters.
# During colonial times, Pakistan was considered a part of India and was ruled by British governors.
# The Tarparkar Desert in Pakistan is the only fertile desert in the world. Pakistani main crops include wheat, sugarcane, cotton, and rice.
# Pakistani school children can be punished with eight hours of reading religious literature for being late for two minutes.
# Pakistan is the only country in the world, that never recognized Armenia as an independent state. The reason is the issue of the ownership of Nagorno-Karabakh, where Pakistan supports the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
# Pakistan is a member of the so-called «nuclear club» – a small coalition of countries, that possess nuclear weapons.
7 Interesting facts about Pakistan for Kids:
# There are two official languages in Pakistan – Urdu, and English, but in fact, Pakistani practically don’t speak English. In total there are in use about 60 different languages and dialects.
# Sugarcane juice known locally called «ro» is the country’s national drink. Pakistani national fruit is mango.
# Pakistan has the second-largest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia. The name «Pakistan» is translated as «land of the pure».
# Arfa Karim Randhawa from Pakistan is the world’s youngest Microsoft expert. In 2004 she received her certificate in just nine years.
# South Karachi is the best district in the city. It constitutes a high-quality resort for wealthy people.
# Pakistani women can work in combat operations. Pakistan is one of only two Islamic countries that allows that.
# Clifton Beach in Karachi is open for tourists and a few locals only. Women can swim there in bikini – that’s liberty unacceptable in other parts of the country.
There are so many surprising facts about this country of contrasts, right? What is your favorite?
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