Of all the hot drinks, only coffee can compete with tea in popularity. Fragrant and delicious, it won the hearts of millions of people around the world a long time ago. Although some like only the smell of coffee, not the taste… And some even do not tolerate it. However, there are much more people who love coffee in the world than those who can’t stand it. Some of the Sweet facts and Health benefits of Coffee

Most expensive coffee :
* The most expensive coffee on the planet “Kopi Luwak” undergoes an extremely peculiar processing – coffee beans pass through the gastrointestinal tract of musangs, and then they are collected for making coffee. There is also a variety of Black ivory, which is obtained when the grains pass through the body of elephants.
Highest Coffee Consumption Country :
* Finland is the country with the highest coffee consumption in the world. On average, there are 5 cups of a drink per adult per day.
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Interesting Facts about coffee :
* Previously, coffee trees reached 9 m. Now they were cultivated so that the height did not exceed 3 m for the convenience of harvesting.
* Green coffee beans that have not been roasted can be stored for a year, and they will not lose their taste. After roasting, the beans change their taste quickly, within two days.
* Caffeine can have a special effect on the brain: in particular, it helps you agree with a statement that you did not agree with before because it increases the brain’s ability to perceive the logic of other people’s judgments.
* Coffee is a product that is the second most sold out in the world. It is second only to oil.
* Coffee was discovered around 850 AD, but the real popularity came to it only a few centuries later.
* The Arabs, who adopted the love of coffee from the Ethiopians, mixed the crushed pulp of coffee beans with animal fat and milk. The resulting mass was rolled into small balls and taken with them on the road to keep vigor and strength.
* The usual drink from roasted grains, crushed into powder, began to be prepared only in the XIII century. At the same time, cinnamon, vanilla, and milk were added to coffee.
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* Each person reacts to caffeine in their way, depending on their metabolism. It has long been established that the abuse of coffee can harm health.
* Instant coffee was invented in New Zealand at the end of the XIX century.
* Decaffeinated coffee appeared by accident – a ship with coffee beans almost sank during a storm, and its hold filled with water. The owner of the cargo was in despair, but still decided to take the grains to a specialist and make sure that they were unfit for sale. To his surprise, the grains were in perfect order, only they had lost almost all the caffeine during their stay in the water.
* The most common type of coffee is Arabica (69% of world production), followed by robusta (29%), and the remaining varieties account for only 2% of the world’s coffee production.
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* The coffee tree grows and bears fruit for about 60-70 years, while up to one and a half thousand berries can be harvested from one tree per year.
* There are 4 degrees of roasting coffee: the lightest of them is called Scandinavian, the darkest – Italian.
* In Uganda, green coffee beans are mixed with sweet herbs and various spices, dried, and hung in special bags around the house. Such bags serve as both an ornament and a talisman.
* In each country, different components are added to coffee: in Italy – sugar, in Mexico-cinnamon, in Germany and Switzerland-hot chocolate, in Belgium-they drink, snacking on chocolate. In Ethiopia, salt is added to coffee, in Morocco – pepper.
* In total, 25 million farmers are engaged in coffee cultivation in the world. Many places still collect it exclusively by hand.
* Coffee contains more than 1200 chemical compounds, more than half of which are responsible for the taste qualities of the resulting drink.
* Natural coffee reduces the likelihood of kidney stones and the development of bladder cancer.
* About 3 billion coffee trees are growing in Brazil alone.
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Conclusion :
Coffee is believed as a refreshing drink and can be consumed in a limited amount.
We hope you have enjoyed the facts and health benefits of coffee, some more interesting facts for you.