Elephants are the biggest animals on Earth. Elephants have so unique shape than any other animals on the earth. There are plenty of elephants types based on the countries and continents. Let us see the most unique interesting facts about elephants and pieces of information about Elephants.
They are the lifesavers of Forest and other animals indirectly.

Everything we need to know about Elephants
Elephant Shape :
- Not like other animals, Elephants have big floppy ears, Big Trunk, Gigantic legs used to identify the shape of an elephant.
What does the elephant eat the most?
- Elephants are herbivorous and they like to eat grasses, roots, shrubs, fruits, and bark.
What is special about elephants?
- Simply we call them Forest Makers !!, a Single Elephant spread over 60 million seeds through their waste in their lifetime what else we need the specialty from them.
- They are the main reason behind every forest.
Who are the predators of elephants?
- Aside from humans, lions are the only predators powerful enough to kill elephants.
Largest Mammal on the Earth :
- Elephants are the largest living mammal on land. A well-grown African Elephant will have a height of about 3m and weigh between 5 to 7 tons. Biggest Mammal on earth is Blue whale.
Elephant Trunk :
- Trunk from the Elephants makes them as unique a creature. The trunk is actually a combination of Upper lips and nose.
- Elephants use their trunk to breathe, smelling sense, grasp, touch, make sounds.

Unknown Facts about Elephants
- Elephants are so emotional they will cry when they are emotionally affected.
- Elephants can feel brokenhearted too, it can cause death also if they feel it especially when elephants lose a mate.
- Elephants have the ability to cry to laugh and have a great memory they can play also they are friendly to people.
- Elephants also have fabulous memories and this is one of the things that made them special.
- Elephants never forget the memories of elephants that are legendary.
- Elephants have sensitive touch on their trunks, not only do they have these cells in their trunks but also on the soles of their feet.
- Elephants have aggressive behavior they will become aggressive when sick, injured, or harass.

5 interesting facts about elephants
- Elephants have the largest brain in any animal and three times as many neurons as humans.
- Did you know !!, if the elephants are happy it’s just like a dog’s tail is swishing side to side swatting away flies.
- Elephants do all day they spend time finding food and water resources they sleep six hours a day.
- Elephants console each other in times of stress by hugging, elephants hug by putting their trunks in each other’s mouths.
- Even though elephants are big they also have a weakness they are afraid of mice or anything moving around their feet regardless of their size.
- Elephants love to hear music such as harmonicas and steel drums, they found the elephants were able to keep the rhythm even better than their human counterparts.
- An Elephant Trunk has about 150,000 muscles which makes them so strong and flexible as possible.
Fun facts about Elephants for Kids
- Elephants consume 300 pounds of food in a day.
- The Brain of an Elephant is about 4.2 Kg, 3 times weightier than a human brain.
- The lifespan of an Elephant is about 70 same as humans.
- An Elephant trunk has the ability to lift a weight up to 350 kg.
- Elephants can hold 7.5 liters in their trunk at a time.
- Elephants are great swimmers, at a single stretch they can able to Swim for about 6hrs and through which they can cross about 60km.
- Elephant’s heart weight is about 21kg.