- Mathoor Hanging Bridge located in Mathur, Tamilnadu, India.
- Nearby cities are Midalakadu, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari.
- Locally called Thotti Palam, Mathur Bridge, Mathur Aqueduct.
- Mathoor Hanging Bridge built by the Great Leader Kamarajar.
- The canal transports water from one side of the hill to the other for irrigation requirements of the regions of Vilavancode and Kalkulam.
- It was constructed as a drought relief measure and for the enhancement of agriculture in Vilavancode and Kalkulam taluks.
- Later this bridge became a tourist attraction place with beautiful nature.
- This bridge is an example for Indian Architectural.
- The canal is held up by 28 massive pillars.
- The peak of the pillars reaching 35 m, Impressive !!!.
- It is identifies as the Asia’s tallest and longest trough bridge.
- It is located with a height of 115 feet.
- This bridge extends with a length of a 340 m.
- Mathoor Hanging Trough is an aqueduct.
- The bridge is built acrss a river called Parazhiyar.
- It is the only one in India which act as Artifical Canal for water flow with height of 115 feet.
- It is 100% worth to visit this amazing creature.
- The view of the river from top of the bridge will be an amazing one.
- Swimming and bathing is allowed in the River under the canal. Be careful, River is Depth.
- This bridge is opened all the time.
- Best time to visit from Jul to Feb.
- It’s worth visiting the Hanging Bridge, Great view of Nature and the Pahrali River and off-course for Swimming.
- Finally don’t forget to visit Thirparappu falls, One of the beautiful waterfalls in Tamilnadu. Which is located 3 km from this hanging bridge.