Despite its familiarity, human blood was thoroughly studied not so long ago, in the foreseeable past. Scientists of ancient times made a variety of assumptions about its nature, but only the development of science and medicine helped to establish the true meaning and functions that blood performs in the human body. Although, of course, for most people, the fact that it is vital is enough, and existence is impossible without it.
Here are some amazing interesting things to know about Human Blood Functions,

Interesting facts about human blood
* Blood accounts for about 7-8% of the human body weight.
* While humans have red blood, other organisms have the blood of different colors. Crustaceans, spiders, squids, octopuses, and some arthropods have blue blood. Some types of worms and leeches have green blood. Some species of sea worms have purple blood.
* The heart muscle is a powerful pump that is able to release blood for 9 meters.
* On June 14, World Donor Day is celebrated, dedicated to the birthday of Karl Landsteiner – an Austrian scientist who for the first time divided blood into groups.
* In an adult, the heart pumps about 10,000 liters of blood per day.
* Every hour, more than 7 billion blood cells die off in the human body. They are replaced by new ones, which are reproduced by the bone marrow and spleen.
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* The average daily volume of renewed blood is approximately 25 grams.
* In an average human life, the heart manages to pump 170 million liters of blood. This amount can fill hundreds of huge pools.
* At one heartbeat, approximately 130 ml of blood is released into the aorta.
* Insects, including beetles and butterflies, have colorless or pale yellowish blood.
* It would take more than one million mosquitoes to completely exsanguinate a person.
* Blood moves through the human body at different speeds. It flows through the arteries the fastest — 1.8 km per hour.
* 74-year-old Australian James Harrison gave blood about 1000 times. His rare blood group contains antibodies that help newborns with severe anemia survive. According to approximate estimates, thanks to his donation, more than two million babies were saved (interesting facts about Australia).
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* The cornea of the human eye is the only part of our body that does not have a circulatory system.
* Some animals use their blood as a defense against predators. Horned lizards can shoot blood from the corners of their eyes at a distance of up to five meters.
* Blood is a mirror of the body, reflecting its state. That’s why, when we get sick, we immediately take blood tests.
* Scientists have found that the milk of immature green coconuts is very close to the blood plasma in its composition.
* In a calm state of the human body, the blood in it is distributed as follows: 25% of the volume is located in the kidneys and muscles, 15% is located in the vascular system of the intestinal walls, 13% moves in the vessels of the lungs and other organs, 10% is located in the liver, 8% circulates in the brain, 4% is contained in the cardiac coronary vessels.
* The adult human body contains approximately 6 liters of blood.
* The loss of a quarter of the blood volume from the vessels poses a threat to life. If a large vessel is damaged, death occurs faster, but not from blood loss, but from an instant drop in blood pressure and anoxia of the brain and myocardium.
* About 55% of blood is plasma, and the remaining 45% are cells that move through the circulatory system thanks to plasma.
* We all put a seashell to our ear to hear the sound of the sea. And everyone knows that we hear nothing but the noise of the movement of our own blood, which resonates in the curls of the shell cavity.
* The world’s first blood bank was created in the 40s of the last century.
* The classification by groups was made not so long ago, only in 1930. For this scientific fact, the Austrian Karl Landsteiner was awarded the Nobel Prize. And the Rh factor was discovered after another 10 years.
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Conclusion :
It’s all about the human wonders, Hope you have excited and gathered information about Human blood and its functions.
Here are the secret facts for you about Human Blood, About 100,000 kilometers — this is the total length of all blood vessels in the human body.
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