Rabbits are the fluffiest pet we have. Rabbits are so adorable by nature. Let us look at some of the most interesting facts about rabbits.

All you should know about Rabbits:
Where do rabbits live?
- Rabbit prefers to live under abandoned trees and woods, green grasslands, Deep forests, meadows, wetlands, and even deserts.
- Rabbits also live in an elaborate tunnel call “Warren” for things like nesting or sleeping.
What is the best food for rabbits?
- Rabbits used to eat on greens like grasses, weeds, and clovers.
- Rabbits love to eat fresh vegetables.

Rabbit Offspring:
- Every mating season the rabbit will give birth to a litter of about four or a bunch of 12 kits.
How many breeds of Rabbits are there?
- American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) declared rabbits had around 50 unique Types.
What is the size and shape of a rabbit?
- An Adult Rabbit grows between 35 to 50 cm and weighs between 1 and 1.5 Kg.
Behavioral characteristics of a Rabbit:
- Rabbits are soft and fearful by nature. Rabbits used to run away from threats and predators.
- Rabbits are not aggressive by nature, But they are faster than any other animals in the forest.
- Now Rabbits are the most common loveable pet for humans.
How long do Rabbits Live:
- The lifespan of the Rabbit is between 8 and 12 years.
4 Interesting facts about Rabbit:
- Rabbits are so adorable and their cuteness is temptation, and they have the fluffiest hair. Sometimes they jump around and flick their heads and feet.
- There are rabbits as big as a toddler, a flemish giant rabbit.
- Rabbits cannot vomit in their digestive system cause its physically incapable of moving in reverse, which pushes it through their digestive tract.
- Their teeth would never stop growing, like human fingernails.
8 Unknown Facts about Rabbits:
- Baby rabbits are not “bunnies” technically it calls or kittens or “kits.”
- Rabbits have hypnotizing Traumatic for them called “trancing”, that sometimes placing a rabbit on their back and stroking their back legs was thought for the longest time that it will make them happy and relaxed.
- Rabbits are social creatures, most of all other rabbits around for companionship.
- Rabbits have a remarkable hygienic keeping themselves clean throughout the day by licking their fur and paws.
- Rabbit has remarkable skills as they have an excellent vision that allows them to see what’s coming from behind them or above them, and from the side to side without turning their heads.
- They are good jumpers, because of those impressive back legs, and the back leg of rabbits are built for evading predators as quick as a lightning bolt to survive for being their prey.
- Rabbit ears help them to stay cool and incredibly they have a magnificent hearing.
- Rabbits are not easy to catch. They are very sensitive in their eyes, ears, and very powerful legs enough to escape or avoiding of predators.
- Rabbits have incredible speed, Within 5 seconds they will reach up to 50km, and have incredible jumping skills reaching up to 2 – 3 m.
1 Sad fact about Rabbit:
- Rabbit is a symbol often used of being a test subject of beauty products, some of it may not survive.