When it comes to extinct civilizations, most people almost do not care what exactly these ancient people lived. But the reason why they suddenly became extinct is, on the contrary, an extremely popular topic for scientific discussion and numerous speculations. It is assumed that the same thing happened with the ancient civilization of Mohenjo-Daro. Let’s find out what is known about this today.
Here are the top 20 amazing facts about Mohenjo-Daro
- The fate of the city of Mohenjo Daro, located on the territory of Pakistan, is one of these frequently discussed topics. The ruins of the city were first discovered in 1922, the work was led by the Indian archaeologist R. D. Banerjee.

- Scientists still have no idea what caused the death of this very advanced, by its standards, civilization. There are several versions, but they all have their drawbacks.
- To understand the environment at the time of the founding of Mohenjo-Daro, it is worth knowing a few facts. Around this time, the period of the reign of the legendary Chinese Huang Di is attributed. In Mesopotamia, the city-state of Ur is gaining strength, and the state of Sumer, on the contrary, is gradually losing its strength.
- In Egypt, the era of the “Early Kingdom” ends, and the local rulers only appreciate the very possibility of burial in the pyramids. It was at that time that one of the very first full-fledged, albeit primitive structures-the pyramid of Djoser-belongs.
- And at this time, on the banks of the Indus River, a unique city is being built – Mohenjo-Daro. The clear layout of the streets makes it clear that we are not talking about a spontaneous settlement – the development is carried out purposefully, and primitive pipelines are laid along with the streets.
- Surprisingly, the pipelines were actively used, since almost every house had a bathroom, and there were special buildings in the city-prototypes of public toilets.
- Even fragments of the oldest hieroglyphic script have been found, not to mention numerous statues of a rather peculiar style.
- The city existed for about 900 years, and then it was abandoned, and almost instantly. During the excavations, many preserved artifacts were found, but there were almost no human remains as if people just took and left a perfectly equipped place. And why-it is completely unclear.
- The simplest version of what happened to the city is flooding. During the excavations, the city had to be dug out of the silt, sand, and other typical layers. The fact is that the city was located in the valley of the regularly overflowing Indus. This, of course, is great for agriculture, but it was a danger to residents and urban infrastructure.
- In the process of studying the city, scientists found that for a long time the city was kept from flooding by dams. But once a large-scale earthquake greatly lowered the location of the tectonic plate and the city was defenseless before another flood. So the residents gathered and left while they had the chance.
- According to another version of scientists, the reason why this city fell into desolation was the invasion of the Aryans, which destroyed the residents. This version has never been proven because the skeletons found were not found traces caused by cold weapons.
- But there are much more unusual versions. One of them is a nuclear explosion. Yes, yes, as strange as it sounds.
- The fact is that a significant part of the city’s territory is covered with the tektites-the result of high-temperature sintering of sand, clay, and earth. And the word “high-temperature” means something around 2000 degrees, a temperature that is unattainable at the level of that technical development. But it is quite typical when conducting modern nuclear tests…
- This version has come down to us from the ancient Indian epic “Mahabharata” (“The Great Legend of the descendants of Bharata”), which says that the cause of the tragedy was a powerful explosion, followed by a dazzling heavenly radiance and “lights without smoke”.
- But there was no evidence of radiation contamination of anything. But for such a long time, the isotopes could just safely disintegrate. And the “cursed city” that kills everyone who is there is almost the” official name ” of Mohenjo-Daro.
- Another, no less exotic, version says that as a result of the change in the position of the tectonic plates, a significant electromagnetic voltage appeared on the territory of the city, which led to the appearance of numerous ordinary and ball lightning.

- It was the lightning that caused the sintering of the soil. It was they who drove the people away. It was they who entered the folklore of numerous contemporaries as “the wrath of the Gods of Heaven”.
- Purely theoretically, this is not some kind of mysticism, but a quite real phenomenon that occurred in Mohenjo-Daro. Scientists recognize such physical and chemical formations. Today, 15 thousand such phenomena have already been described and recorded, and for the first time, a photo of such phenomena was taken by Professor Bonil from the Zacatecas Observatory in Mexico City in August 1983.
- There are several other interesting and even fantastic versions of the death of the city, such as the battle of the gods on aircraft, the crash of an alien spaceship over the city, and even the resulting ionospheric breakdown (ionospheric lightning).
Today, Mohenjo-Daro is considered one of the most amazing and mysterious architectural creations of the ancient world.
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