Interesting facts about black hole mysteries

Black hole is a collection of massive objects, it attracts everything in it. Nothing can escape from black hole gravity including light.

1. The center of a black hole is made of extremely dense material, which gives the black hole a strong gravitational field. This dense material can trap anything with its gravity.

2. Black holes collapses anything getting near it.

3. A star can transform into three states which are white dwarf, neutron star or black hole.

4. When a star loses its entire nuclear fuel, gravitational force will enforce the natural pressure. And stars too maintain to keep up with its shape stable. Due to this when the pressure from nuclear reactions collapses, gravity violently overwhelms and collapses the core and other layers are flung into the space. Leads to spot of infinite density and almost no volume.

5. Humans cannot see the black hole as it is entirely black. Scientists can identify the black hole when a star is near the black hole. X- Ray emission happen due to which the star appears to be burning. By this event scientist can calculate the power of Black hole.

6. Stellar-mass and super massive are well-known black holes.

7. Some of Identified black holes are Cygnus X-1, Sagittarius A, M87, Centaurus A.

8. Albert Einstein first predicted black holes in 1916 with his general theory of relativity. The first black hole was discovered in 1971.

9. Black hole actually made through extreme mass with unpredictable gravity, but whatever we are defining is based on prediction there is no exact proof by the scientists.

10. Scientists estimate that more than 100 million black holes in the galaxy are stars.

11. Super massive black hole is located at the middle of the galaxy but it is no longer danger to earth.

Black hole mysteries – Super massive black hole :

12. The known Super massive black hole is Sagittarius A.

13. Super massive black holes are considered the biggest black hole ever.

14. The mass of super massive black hole is more than mass of 4 million of sun.

15. This black hole is at the center of the Milky Way.

16. Super massive black hole is located almost 20,000 to 30,000 light years away from earth.

17. Super massive black hole is located almost 20,000 to 30,000 light years away from earth.

Black hole mysteries – Identified black holes :

18. Cygnus X-1: Located 6,500 light-years away from earth. It is known as stellar-mass. It weights 25 time the sun mass.

19. Sagittarius A: Biggest black hole ever identified. Lies at middle of the Milky Way Galaxy.

20. M87: This is an elliptical galaxy which has 3.5 billion solar-mass black hole at its heart. It lies 5,000 light-years from earth.

21. Centaurus A: It lies in the direction of the constellation Centaurus.

Black hole mysteries – Black hole Types :

22. Primordial: It is Considered to be very small, Ranging from the size of a single atom to a mountain.

23. Stellar: These are the ones found often. It is about 25 times bigger than the Sun.

24. Super massive: It is been recently discovered. To be amongst this group the hole has to be more than a million times heavier than the Sun.

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